Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My Story

Since I want to be a writer when I get older, I decided I would practice. So I am writing a story. I haven't decided a name just yet. I am on the 13th page, but I am using a notebook so that is a lot of writing. I am hoping to fill up the entire notebook. Here is the summary so far,

Kayla has the perfect life. The best bestfriend, the greatest boyfriend, and an awesome reputation at her school. But when she finds out she is moving from Denver, Colorado to North Carolina, things change a little bit. Her boyfriend breaks up with her and she loses her best friend. She meets this boy in NC, named Riley. With gorgeous eyes and hair, she falls for fast. He likes her back. Simple boy and girl crushes. But something is going on with her parents, but what? Will she figure it out and save her family but lose Riley or will she pay too much attention to Riley and lose her family? Is it a risk worth taking?

Well, I hoped you liked my summary. Maybe, when the story is finished, I will post it on a website for you all to see it. Just maybe.

1 comment:

ACDC said...

Very, very good summary. Just what is it that Riley likes about her back?
love, auntie